How do we fix our hormones and address cellular nutrition? Were humans designed to rely on “whole grains”, and can we safely consume them in a world that is sedentary, hyper-processed, and full of intolerances? What about seed oils? Some seeds are superior to others.
In Grain Provision, Cameron covers the most impactful food in human history & reveals the truth about whole grains: what we have done to them, how to restore our relationship with the original forms, and why this is the most misunderstood aspect of nutrition. Learn what the Bible, history & the science of cellular nutrition reveal about the most important essential fatty nutrients you’ve never heard of.
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More links on Tre-en-en lipids & sterols:
History of Whole Grain Concentrates BeRegenerated Blog
The Story of Tre-en-en by Dr. Jim McAfee, CCN
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